Demonstratives in English: this, that, these, those

We use them to point to things: 👉


S                    THIS                                       THESE             P
I                                                                                              L
N                                                                                            U
G                                                                                            R
U                                                                                            A
L                    THAT                                      THOSE            L



We use THIS for singular and uncountable nouns, to point to things that are close to us.

This rabbit is fast. 🐇
This cake is yummy! 🍰


We use THAT for singular and uncountable nouns, that are far from us.

That horse is brown.          🐎
That dog is so cute!           🐕


We use THESE with plural nouns, to point to things or people that are close to us.

I like these roses. 🌹🌹🌹
I'm wearing these sports shoes. 👟👟


We use THOSE with plural nouns, to point to things and people that are far from us.

Those are my red apples.         🍎🍎🍎🍎
Those palm trees are beautiful.         🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴


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